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Saturday, October 31, 2009
FDA And Others To Study Lasik Problems
Friday, October 30, 2009
FDA Says Yes to IV Peramivir To Treat Flu
The FDA announced today that it has issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the investigational antiviral drug peramivir intravenous (IV) in certain adult and pediatric patients with confirmed or suspected 2009 H1N1 influenza infection who are admitted to a hospital. Specifically, IV peramivir is authorized only for hospitalized adult and pediatric patients for whom therapy with an IV drug is clinically appropriate, based on one or more of the following reasons:
- the patient is not responding to either oral or inhaled antiviral therapy, or
- when drug delivery by a route other than an intravenous route -- e.g., enteral (absorbed by the intestines) or inhaled -- is not expected to be dependable or feasible;
- for adults only, when the clinician judges IV therapy is appropriate due to other circumstances.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Procedure For FDA GMP Training
Don't forget the basics! Read this classic Jim Vesper article, Defining Your GMP Training Program with a Training Procedure. Make sure you've got some well-thought out standard operating procedures that define your FDA GMP training program.
Monday, October 26, 2009
IMS Predicts Pharma Growth in 2010
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Obese To Pay More For Health Insurance - Controversy (video)
Friday, October 23, 2009
FDA Search Widget of Fraudulent H1N1 Products
H1N1 Fraudulent Products
This FDA widget helps you find out if a product you're interested in is legitimate or a fake.I commute on public transportation every day. We're in the height of cold and flu season. I'm not likely to try any of these products, but if you're interested, check them out before you buy them. Let the buyer beware!
Launch FDA widget:
H1N1 Fraudulent Products
Previous Posts:
Got Wine Flu? Updated by HHS - New Resources Added
FDA Posts Current Flu Info and Resources
Swine Flu Increases Demand For Masks (video)
Treat The Flu With Red Wine?!
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
FDA Releases Hearing Aids Guide Online
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The site includes sections on:
- general information on hearing aids
- types of hearing loss
- types and styles of hearing aids
- how to get a hearing aid
- benefits and safety of hearing aids
- hearing aids and cell phones
- other products and procedures that people can use to improve hearing
This is of interest to me as I grow older, and my siblings are showing signs that they might benefit from these devices.
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Monday, October 19, 2009
FDA Says Flush Certain Medications
When thinking about throwing away medications, be sure to consider family, pet, and environmental safety. The FDA just released more information about how to dispose of certain medications, Disposal by Flushing of Certain Unused Medicines: What You Should Know. These certain medicines appear to be highly potent drugs with a high potential for abuse.
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Saturday, October 17, 2009
Got Wine Flu?
Sorry, I couldn't resist. I hope you find this amusing, What Is Wine Flu? Just in case you really wanted info on the swine flu, check out the CDC 2009 H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu) web pages.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Recent HIV Vaccine Study Results - Could be disappointing
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Monday, October 12, 2009
FDA Warns of CT Scan Radiation Overdoses
This KWTX news article reports a hospital's problem with CT brain scan radiation overexposure, FDA Warns Hospitals About CT Brain Scan Radiation. The excessive dose problem was identified when a patient reported hair loss after a scan. The end result, the FDA has posted a notification, Safety Investigation of CT Brain Perfusion Scans: Initial Notification.
Saturday, October 10, 2009 Updated by HHS - New Resources Added
The government's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) unveiled several new resources on the federal government's one-stop resource for flu information -- Some of the new items include:
- A self-evaluation guide
- A myth and facts section
Stay well!
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Friday, October 9, 2009
FDA Guidance - Device Registration and Listing Requirements
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Research Suggests Green Tea Promotes Weight Loss
In a nutshell:
- New research from China has found that regular consumption of green tea - which is rich in naturally-occurring tea actives called catechins - can significantly and positively effect body composition in moderately overweight individuals.
- The authors concluded that regular consumption of green tea with very high catechin content can, over a 90-day period, significantly reduce body weight, body fat mass and waist size in moderately overweight Chinese individuals.
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Friday, October 2, 2009
LSD Research Returns - FDA and Regulatory Oversight
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Return Home: still isn't easy to get an LSD study off the ground. Researchers must get permission from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Drug Enforcement Administration plus state regulators, and they need approval from the institution they work for. Then they have to get approval for the source of the actual drug - in the case of UCSF, researchers are using LSD that was manufactured years ago in Switzerland.
From SkillsPlus International Inc.
- Popular cGMP Online Training Courses Updated
- As Supply Chain Partners Ramp Up For November DSCSA Deadline, US FDA Gives Them Another Year - Pink Sheet
- California Designated Representative 3PL Training Course
- Drug Products, Including Biological Products, that Contain Nanomaterials - Final Guidance Document