Friday, December 31, 2010

Hangover Prevention and Treatment

CC 2.0:  Sydney. Fireworks Newyear 2006. Opera House and Harbour.
January 02, 2007 at 21:40. By Rob Chandler.
Happy New Year!

Have fun and party safely. If you're planning to indulge, checkout this informative website:
    How To Prevent A Hangover

Lots of great tips, info, and a Dr. Oz video.

Champagne in the Freezer - Reminder Magnet

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2011 Predictions - Global Supply Chain

Checkout Bob Ferrari's Blog on Global Supply Chain Business Process and Technology for his series, Supply Chain Matters Top Ten Predictions for Global Supply Chains in 2011.

His well-considered thoughts appear in 3 installments:
Supply Chain Matters Top Ten Predictions for Global Supply Chains in 2011- Part One
Supply Chain Matters Top Ten Predictions for Global Supply Chains in 2011- Part Two
Supply Chain Matters Top Ten Predictions for Global Supply Chains in 2011- Part Three

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

CDC Updates To Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment - Podcast and more

Logo of the Centers for Disease Control and Pr...Image via Wikipedia

Updated August 25, 2021

The original links broke.

You can still read about this topic here:

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The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) updated their guidelines for the treatment of persons who have or are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

For more information, including podcast:   The CDC's 2010 STD Treatment Guidelines website

Read the CDC 2010 STD Treatment Guidelines published in the MMWR (pdf)

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What Is Your Flu IQ?

Eccch!  Flu season is starting, and some places in the world have bird flu.

Are you ready?  What's your flu IQ?

Flu IQ


For more information:
CDC Weekly Flu Map
CDC - Just about everything you want to know about the flu (influenza)

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Monday, December 27, 2010

FDA Targets Tainted Dietary Supplements

Updated February 2, 2021:

You might recall, among the warnings and alerts recently issued, the FDA warned people to stop using Man Up Now, a product marketed for sexual enhancement, as it contains a variation of a drug ingredient found in Viagra that can lower blood pressure to a dangerous level.

The FDA intends to:
  • Send a letter to the dietary supplement industry, stressing its legal obligation to prevent tainted products from reaching the market, and emphasizing the possibility of criminal investigations against those who endanger public health by their involvement in tainted products.
  • Implement a new, rapid notification system for the public on the FDA web site to alert the public quickly to tainted products marketed as dietary supplements.
  • Put in place a mechanism for industry to alert the FDA about the tainted products and the firms involved.
The FDA letter:  The FDA on Tainted Products Marketed as Dietary Supplements

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Friday, December 24, 2010

ICH Celebrates 20th Anniversary - Refreshes Website

Congratulations to The International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) as they celebrate their 20th anniversary.

The ICH website has been redesigned for better usability and sports new branding.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Homeland Security Cracks Down On Counterfeit Drugs

I'm glad to see that the Department of Homeland Security is stepping up efforts to combat counterfeit drugs, according to this news release, PhRMA Statement on Department of Homeland Security Efforts to Crack Down on Counterfeiting Crimes.

PhRMA states:  "The most common mechanism for counterfeit drugs to enter the U.S. drug supply is through purchases made on illegal online pharmacy sites that are operated by criminals in other countries with known counterfeiting problems. Cracking down on these illegal sites can help protect patient safety and help ensure that the closed U.S. drug supply system is not compromised."

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More Aspirin Benefit - Cancer Prevention - I Love It

I started taking a daily dose of aspirin well over a decade ago, in hopes that the anecdotes of cancer prevention benefit would one day morph into evidence-based data. Voila!

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

2011 - Global Pharma To Grow 5-7 Percent

2011, here we come.

IMS Health Forecasts Global Pharmaceutical Market Growth of 5-7 Percent in 2011, Reaching $880 Billion

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Monday, December 13, 2010

2011 Pharma Trends

Updated March 12, 2022

The link in the original post broke.

- - -  original post follows below  - - -

It's that time of year again.

Brandon says, in Global Pharmaceutical Market Expected to Rebound in 2011:
  • the global pharmaceutical market will experience 5% to 7% growth in the coming year, compared with only 4% to 5% in 2010.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Flu Vaccination Week - Go To Flu.Gov

Flu Vaccination Week continues.

So go checkout another helpful and informative website: 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Daily Truvada Lowers AIDS Risk

Estimated HIV/AIDS prevalence among young adul...Image via Wikipedia

Updated March 15, 2022

You might also be interested in:

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The New York Times reports, Daily Pill Greatly Lowers AIDS Risk, Study Finds.

Promising results found that the men taking Truvada, a common combination of two antiretroviral drugs, were 44 percent less likely to get infected with the virus that causes AIDS than an equal number taking a placebo.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

National Flu Vaccination Week

Updated August 26, 2024

National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW) is an annual observance in December to remind everyone 6 months and older that there's still time to get vaccinated against flu. Vaccination is particularly important for people who are at higher risk of developing serious flu complications, including pregnant people and young children. Millions of children get sick with flu every year, and thousands will be hospitalized as a result. Pregnant people also are at higher risk of developing serious flu complications.

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It's here, National Influenza Vaccination Week. Check out the CDC's National Influenza Vaccination Week website for information and more resources.

I'm starting to see and hear reports of the flu season starting. On my public transportation trips, I'm aware that more folks around me are coughing and sneezing, so make sure your vaccinations are up to date.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

World AIDS Day - Bewildering Number of Official Websites

Today is World AIDS Day. If you Google it, you'll end up finding a dizzying array of websites proclaiming to be the official website for the Day.

Here's my contribution to the conversation. I recommend this helpful US Government site,  The opening line on the site just about sums up what they offer, "An estimated 1.1 million Americans are living with HIV, and yet one out of five don’t know it. World AIDS Day (December 1) is an opportunity for us to take action! Here are a few simple, powerful, and engaging ways:..."

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