Saturday, December 28, 2019

Retail Sales of Tobacco Products -

Read the full article:  Retail Sales of Tobacco Products -

On December 20, 2019, the President signed legislation to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and raise the federal minimum age of sale of tobacco products from 18 to 21 years. It is now illegal for a retailer to sell any tobacco product – including cigarettes, cigars and e-cigarettes – to anyone under 21. FDA will provide additional details on this issue as they become available."

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FDA cGMP QSR GMP online training courses by SkillsPlus Intl Inc.

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California Designated Representative Training Program
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The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

FDA cGMP QSR GMP Online Training Courses by SkillsPlus International Inc.

FDA cGMP QSR GMP Online Training Courses by SkillsPlus International Inc.
FDA cGMP QSR GMP Online Training Courses by SkillsPlus International Inc.

FDA cGMP QSR GMP Online Training


  • Use in the classroom as a training video
  • Standardize content delivery
  • Reduce training expense with our online learning pricing
  • Use in one-on-one training environments
  • Make these classes a part of corrective and preventive actions 


  • $50 per individual course 
  • Once a course is purchased, you'll be able to view the course one-time (within 48 hours from the time of purchase). 
  • Call us about Annual Global License pricing.

  • Interested in a course? Give us a call:  (415) 948-5220

Courses Available

  • 21 CFR 211: Pure, Safe and Effective - Subparts A-K  
  • Your Personal Responsibilities - Subpart B  
  • Foundation to Facilities - Subpart C  
  • Maintaining Compliant Equipment Practices - Subpart D  
  • Supplier to Plant - Subpart E
  • Plant to Production - Subpart F
  • Plant to Patient - Subpart G, H, & K
  • Laboratory to Release - Subpart I
  • Proper Documentation Practices - Subpart J

Friday, December 13, 2019

Senate confirms oncologist Stephen Hahn as FDA commissioner - The Washington Post

Read the full article:  Senate confirms oncologist Stephen Hahn as FDA commissioner - The Washington Post

Texas doctor faces contentious issues as he assumes helm of sprawling agency

"Stephen Hahn, an oncologist and top official at MD Anderson Cancer Center, was confirmed Thursday as commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. The Senate vote was 72 to 18.

Hahn, 59, takes over as the FDA juggles vexing political and health issues, including the Trump administration’s still-unresolved response to a surge in underage vaping over the past two years."

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California Designated Representative Training Program
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The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

‘Dump it down the drain’: How contaminants from prescription-drug factories pollute waterways - STAT

Read the full article:  ‘Dump it down the drain’: How contaminants from prescription-drug factories pollute waterways - STAT

According to the article:

"Over the past decade, cocktails of drugs from opioids to antidepressants have been showing up in rivers all over the U.S. Studies have detected these chemicals in the bodies of fish and aquatic insects, altering behaviors that are key to survival. Now, an investigation by STAT and Type Investigations identifies for the first time major drug companies that are likely dumping substantial quantities of drugs from their manufacturing facilities into rivers and streams."

Monday, December 9, 2019

Landmark Marijuana Legislation Moves through Congress - JDSUPRA

Read the full article:   Landmark Marijuana Legislation Moves through Congress - JDSUPRA

According to the article:
"On November 20, 2019, the House Judiciary Committee passed the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act of 2019. The historic bill was sponsored by House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and can now move to a floor vote in the House of Representatives."

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The only Board-approved California Designated Representative training program for reverse distributors

The only Board-approved California Designated Representative training program for reverse distributors

According to the California State Board of Pharmacy - Designated Representative-Reverse Distributor License webpage, there is only one Board-approved California Designated Representative training program for reverse distributors (offered by SkillsPlus International Inc.).

About This Course
  • an online training class, available 24 x 7
  • designed specifically for reverse distributors, and covers all topics specified in the Board's license application
  • costs $625 per student
  • earns a Board recognized training affidavit
  • Learn more
  • Buy now!

California Designated Representative online training programs for wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors. Board-approved. Earns a training affidavit.
California Designated Representative online training programs for wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors. Board-approved. Earns a training affidavit.


Tuesday, November 26, 2019

FDA warns 15 companies for illegally selling various products containing CBD -

FDA warns 15 companies for illegally selling various products containing cannabidiol as agency details safety concerns -

Violations include marketing unapproved new human and animal drugs, selling CBD products as dietary supplements, and adding CBD to human, animal foods

According to the FDA news release:

"Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued warning letters to 15 companies for illegally selling products containing cannabidiol (CBD) in ways that violate the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act). The FDA also published a revised Consumer Update detailing safety concerns about CBD products more broadly. Based on the lack of scientific information supporting the safety of CBD in food, the FDA is also indicating today that it cannot conclude that CBD is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) among qualified experts for its use in human or animal food."

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FDA cGMP QSR GMP online training courses by SkillsPlus Intl Inc.

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Designated Rep Certification Class
CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
FL CDR Exam Prep
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Investigation of Lung Injury Associated with E-cigarette Product Use, or Vaping -

Read the full media statement:   Investigation of Lung Injury Associated with E-cigarette Product Use, or Vaping  -  CDC Activates Emergency Operations Center

According to the CDC:
“CDC has made it a priority to find out what is causing this outbreak of e-cigarette or vaping-related injuries and deaths,” said CDC Director Robert Redfield, M.D. “Activation of CDC’s Emergency Operations Center allows us to enhance operations and provide additional support to CDC staff working to protect our Nation from this serious health threat.” 
CDC’s activation of the EOC allows the agency to provide increased operational support for the response to meet the outbreak’s evolving challenges. Agency subject matter experts will continue to lead the CDC response with enhanced support from additional CDC and EOC staff.
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California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
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SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Four takeaways from the latest round of federal CBD warning letters - Hemp Industry Daily

Read the full article:  Four takeaways from the latest round of federal CBD warning letters - Hemp Industry Daily

According to the article:

"The young CBD industry is growing accustomed to federal health authorities warning companies not to make medical claims about the cannabinoid. 
But a round of warning letters this week from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) – the consumer-protection agency that safeguards against unfair and deceptive advertising – served as a reminder that as CBD goes mainstream, more federal agencies are giving the industry a critical look."

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California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
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SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Saturday, August 10, 2019

What is a California Designated Representative training course? - Yahoo Answers

View the full text Q&A:  What is a California Designated Representative training course? - Yahoo Answers (sorry, this link is no longer available 6/1/2021)

"First, some background. The California State Board of Pharmacy (the "Board") is in charge of licensing companies that are drug-device wholesalers, third-party logistics providers (3PL), and reverse distributors, and more. This means these companies need to get a facility license from the Board to run their businesses."

Continue reading >>


Largest selection of Board-approved California Designated Representative online training programs. 3 distinct courses for wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors. Earns a training affidavit.
Largest selection of Board-approved California Designated Representative online training programs. 3 distinct courses for wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors. Earns a training affidavit.

For Designated Representative license applicants  -  Training programs, courses, classes, seminars:

     California (earn a training affidavit):

For HMDR Exemptee license applicants  -  Training programs, courses, classes, seminars:

     California (earn a training completion certificate):

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Mass Shootings Can Be Contagious, Research Shows - NPR

Read the full article:  Mass Shootings Can Be Contagious, Research Shows -

"Towers and her colleagues also found that what set apart shootings that were contagious was the amount of media coverage they received. "In the incidences where there were four or more people killed, and even school shootings, those tended to get national and even international media attention," says Towers."

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Designated Rep Certification Class
CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
FL CDR Exam Prep
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

California Designated Representative Online Training Programs - 6,000 students trained!

Introductory video about California Designated Representative training:

Go to:  The Designated Representative and Exemptee Blog


California Designated Representative Online Training Courses. Board-approved. Earns a training affidavit accepted by the Board. 3 distinct classes for: wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors. 6,000 students trained.
California Designated Representative Online Training Courses. Board-approved. Earns a training affidavit accepted by the Board. 3 distinct classes for: wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors. 6,000 students trained.

For Designated Representative license applicants  -  Training programs, courses, classes, seminars:

     California (earn a training affidavit):

For HMDR Exemptee license applicants  -  Training programs, courses, classes, seminars:

     California (earn a training completion certificate):

Thursday, July 25, 2019

FDA aims high in crackdown on CBD manufacturers - in-PharmaTechnologist

 By Ben Hargreaves
US FDA took aim at the ‘world’s largest cannabis’ company for making ‘unfounded claims’ about the therapeutic potential of its CBD products.

You might also be interested in:   FDA cGMP QSR GMP Online Training Courses

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

FDA warns company marketing unapproved cannabidiol products -

Read the full news release:  FDA warns company marketing unapproved cannabidiol products with unsubstantiated claims to treat cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, opioid withdrawal, pain and pet anxiety  -  Agency is expediting work to evaluate regulatory policies related to cannabis and cannabis-derived ingredients like CBD -

According to the news release:
"... the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that it has issued a warning letter to Curaleaf Inc., of Wakefield, Massachusetts, for illegally selling unapproved products containing cannabidiol (CBD) online with unsubstantiated claims that the products treat cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, opioid withdrawal, pain and pet anxiety, among other conditions or diseases.  ... 
The FDA has previously sent warning letters to other companies illegally selling CBD products that claimed to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure serious diseases, such as cancer. Some of these products were in further violation of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act because they were marketed as dietary supplements or because they involved the addition of CBD to food."
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California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
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SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Simple Ways To Prevent Falls In Older Adults -

Read the full article:  Simple Ways To Prevent Falls In Older Adults -

According to the article:
"What are some of the interventions you've used that can help seniors?
You can do so many things. First of all, I tell everybody you've got to do some balance training. Tai chi is probably the best exercise to prevent falls, but whatever works for you. And, interestingly, just walking does not reduce your risk for falling. So a lot of doctors will say, "Just get out and walk 20 minutes every day, and that'll keep you safe. That'll help you stay healthy." Walking is great for your heart; it's great for your brain; it's great for lots of it. But in order to really reduce your risk for falls, you've got to do something specific to balance."
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California Designated Representative Training Program
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The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Health Fraud Scams (video) -

Health Fraud Scams (video) -

The FDA says, "Health fraud scams refer to products that claim to prevent, treat, or cure diseases or other health conditions, but are not proven safe and effective for those uses. Health fraud scams waste money and can lead to delays in getting proper diagnosis and treatment. They can also cause serious or even fatal injuries."

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California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
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The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019



"Cannabis could be used instead of prescription and over-the-counter medications - including opioids - to treat pain and insomnia, researchers have found. The team also found that many people who took marijuana for pain had been able to stop taking opioids, potentially suggesting it could lower the use of these pain relievers."

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California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
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SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Sunday, June 16, 2019

FDA Conducts Anticipated Hearing on the Regulation of CBD Products -

Read the full article:  FDA Conducts Anticipated Hearing on the Regulation of CBD Products -

"At the hearing, Acting Commissioner Dr. Ned Sharpless delivered opening remarks and reiterated that recent changes to federal and state law, and the explosion of CBD products in the marketplace, have not affected FDA’s view that CBD cannot be lawfully added to any FDA-regulated consumer product. While the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (the “Farm Bill”) generally legalized CBD derived from hemp (defined as cannabis with THC content below 0.3% by dry weight), the Farm Bill explicitly preserved FDA’s authority to regulate foods, drugs, dietary supplements and cosmetics containing CBD."

Still more to follow, as the entire country holds its breath on personal use and big business making huge money investments and gambles.

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FDA cGMP QSR GMP Online Training Courses by SkillsPlus International Inc.

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California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
FL CDR Exam Prep
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Friday, June 14, 2019

Statement on FDA’s scientific work to understand per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food, and findings from recent FDA surveys -

Read the full article:  Statement on FDA’s scientific work to understand per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food, and findings from recent FDA surveys -

"PFAS are a family of human-made chemicals that are found in a wide range of products used by consumers and industry. There are nearly 5,000 types of PFAS, some of which have been more widely used and studied than others. Many PFAS are impermeable to grease, water and oil. For this reason, beginning in the 1940s, PFAS have been used for many different applications including in stain- and water-resistant fabrics and carpeting, cleaning products, paints and fire-fighting foams, as well as in limited, authorized uses in cookware and food packaging and processing, referred to as food contact substances."

" ... the FDA has been working to develop new methods to quantify certain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in foods. We have employed these new methods to test samples of foods Americans typically consume for certain types of PFAS, and today we are making available recently analyzed data from these initial testing initiatives.

Overall, our findings did not detect PFAS in the vast majority of the foods tested. In addition, based on the best available current science, the FDA does not have any indication that these substances are a human health concern, in other words a food safety risk in human food, at the levels found in this limited sampling. These data give our scientists a benchmark to use as we continue our critical work studying this emerging area of science."

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FDA cGMP QSR GMP Training Courses by SkillsPlus International Inc.

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Designated Rep Certification Class
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California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
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SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

F.D.A. tackling C.B.D. in food - Food Business News

Read the full article:   F.D.A. tackling C.B.D. in food - Food Business News

"Stakeholders in the manufacture, distribution, use and regulation of products containing cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds, such as cannabidiol (C.B.D.), had their say before a panel of Food and Drug Administration officials during a daylong public hearing held May 31 at the agency’s White Oak Campus in Silver Spring, Md. More than 400 individuals and associations applied to address the panel; more than 100 were able to do so."

According to "Amy Abernethy, Ph.D., the F.D.A.’s deputy commissioner ... “Key questions about product safety need to be addressed. Data are needed to determine the safety thresholds for C.B.D … There are both positive supporters of cannabis and cannabis-derived products including C.B.D. and also concerned citizens worried that widely available products can be harmful.”"

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FDA cGMP QSR GMP Training Courses by SkillsPlus International Inc.
FDA cGMP QSR GMP Training Courses by SkillsPlus International Inc.

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California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
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SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

SkillsPlus International Inc. Announces Online GMP e-Learning Courses

SkillsPlus International Inc. proudly announces  the reintroduction and updating of our very popular GMP e-learning courses. 
FDA cGMP QSR GMP Training Courses by SkillsPlus International Inc.
FDA cGMP QSR GMP Training Courses by SkillsPlus Intl Inc.

Do you need . . . ?

  • New employee GMP training awareness that is quick and easy?
  • Annual refresher training that is on a flexible schedule for team members?
  • Training solutions that are responsive to a demanding production environment?

Our LMS GMP Training solution is the answer to your needs!

  • A current list of topics is available.
  • 24-7 Availability
  • An ever growing list of topics is planned.
  • Our pricing is structured for today’s tight budgets

Additional Features

  • Private classrooms allow your company trainer to share notes to all your employees.
  • Trainers can be identified as classroom monitors to tracking student grades and completion.

Online Courses Currently Available - and view the details

  • 21CFR211 - Learn the highlights of the Current Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations.
  • Your Personal Responsibilities - Part B. Review the requirements for personnel working in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Foundation to Facility - Part C. Dive into the requirements for the design, cleaning & maintenance of a facility.
  • Maintaining Compliant Equipment Practices - Part D. Examine the requirements for the design, cleaning & maintenance of equipment.
  • Supplier to Plant - Part E. Explore the requirements for the receipt, storage and use of all components.
  • Plan to Production - Part F. Review the requirements for production process controls and validation.
  • Plant to Patient - Part G, H, & K. Examine the requirements for packaging, labeling, warehousing and distribution.
  • Laboratory to Release - Part I. Dive into the requirements for laboratory controls, method validation, stability and more!
  • Proper Documentation Practices - Part J. Examine the requirements for proper paper and electronic documentation practices.

Email us for a quote:

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Generic Drugs You're Taking May Not Be As Safe Or Effective As You Think -

Read the full article:  The Generic Drugs You're Taking May Not Be As Safe Or Effective As You Think -

"Eban has covered the pharmaceutical industry for more than 10 years. She notes that most of the generic medicines being sold in the U.S. are manufactured overseas, mostly in India and China. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration states that it holds foreign plants to the same standards as U.S. drugmakers, but Eban's new book, Bottle of Lies, challenges that notion. She writes that the FDA often announces its overseas inspections weeks in advance, which allows plants where generic drugs are made the chance to fabricate data and results."

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California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
FL CDR Exam Prep
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

FDA approves first two-drug complete regimen for HIV-infected patients who have never received antiretroviral treatment -

Read the full press release:

FDA approves first two-drug complete regimen for HIV-infected patients who have never received antiretroviral treatment -

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration . . .

"approved Dovato (dolutegravir and lamivudine), as a complete regimen for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in adults with no antiretroviral treatment history and with no known or suspected substitutions associated with resistance to the individual components of Dovato. This is the first FDA-approved two-drug, fixed-dose, complete regimen for HIV-infected adults who have never received treatment for HIV. 
“Currently, the standard of care for patients who have never been treated is a three-drug regimen. With this approval, patients who have never been treated have the option of taking a two-drug regimen in a single tablet while eliminating additional toxicity and potential drug interactions from a third drug,” said Debra Birnkrant, M.D., Director of the Division of Antiviral Products. “Having a drug-sparing treatment available that uses fewer drugs is beneficial to patients who may have issues taking multiple medications over a long period of time.”"

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SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The best GMP training, best QSR training, best instructors
Designated Rep Certification Class
CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
FL CDR Exam Prep
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Thursday, February 28, 2019

FDA plans first public hearings on legalizing CBD foods in April - CNBC

Read the full article:  FDA plans first public hearings on legalizing CBD foods in April - CNBC

"The Food and Drug Administration will hold its first public hearings on CBD in April as the agency weighs rules allowing companies to add the popular cannabis-based compound to food, Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said Wednesday. 
"We're deeply focused on this. We have taken on other hard challenges before," Gottlieb told the House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday. "You have my commitment I'm focused on this one.""

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SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The best GMP training, best QSR training, best instructors
Designated Rep Certification Class
CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
FL CDR Exam Prep
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Friday, February 8, 2019

Liquor before beer? You will still feel terrible, new study says - CNBC

Wine Lovers Dishwasher Magnet - Clean or Dirty
Wine Lovers Dishwasher Magnet - Clean or Dirty

Read the full article:  Liquor before beer? You will still feel terrible, new study says - CNBC

"... a new medical study has concluded that the threat of a crushing hangover cannot be removed by making sure that beer comes before, or after, wine. 
The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition on Friday, went further claiming that hangovers were also not made more bearable by sticking to one type of drink thereby debunking another of the barfly's favorite: "Grape or grain but never the twain.""

SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The best GMP training, best QSR training, best instructors
Designated Rep Certification Class
CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
FL CDR Exam Prep
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Amazon hints at national online pharmacy plans with new licenses - MedCity News

Read the full article:  Amazon hints at national online pharmacy plans with new licenses - MedCity News

"Pillpack’s Phoenix, Arizona facility has been granted nine additional state pharmacy licenses in the past two months, allowing that site to sell into other states, according to a research note from financial services firm Jefferies. 
The Arizona site now has active pharmacy licenses across 19 states with three applications pending. This is in addition to the company’s mail-order facilities in Manchester, New Hampshire (which has licenses in 49 states), Miami, Florida (which has licenses in 45 states) and Austin, Texas (which has licenses in 43 states). Pillpack’s New York location has licenses in only two states."

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California Designated Representative Training Courses (wholesaler, 3PL, reverse distributor) - Approved by the California State Board of Pharmacy
California Designated Representative Training Courses (wholesaler, 3PL, reverse distributor) - Approved by the California State Board of Pharmacy

SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The best GMP training, best QSR training, best instructors
Designated Rep Certification Class
CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store