Laundry packet hazards. Are your children safe?
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Sunday, March 30, 2014
Experts warn of the dangers of detergent packets (video)
Diet drinks linked with heart disease, death - CNBC
Updated 10/30/2015:
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New research exposes the health risks of fructose and sugary drinks
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Diet drinks linked with heart disease, death - CNBC:
"Researchers found women who drank two or more diet drinks a day were 30 percent more likely to have a heart attack or other cardiovascular "event," and 50 percent more likely to die, than women who rarely touch such drinks.
The findings, being presented at a meeting of the American College of Cardiology, don't suggest that the drinks themselves are killers. But women who toss back too many diet sodas may be trying to make up for unhealthy habits, experts say."
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Thursday, March 27, 2014
GlaxoSmithKline flags product tampering as wrong pills surface in alli packages - FiercePharma
"The tampered-with packages have cropped up in 7 states, GSK said, and sharp-eyed consumers have reported 5 different lot numbers. The rogue packages may appear to be authentic on the outside, but the bottle could contain a variety of tablets and capsules, the company said in a release.
Also, the suspect alli bottles may not be labeled, and tamper-evident seals may not be intact, or they may not match the official versions. Finally, lot numbers and expiration dates on the bottles and outer cartons don't match."
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Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Combination Products 101 - A Primer For Medical Device Makers - Med Device Online
"Most people have a very limited view of combination products. There are combination products under development today that involve many more things than just drugs, biologics, and medical devices. They involve foods. They involve nutraceuticals. They involve cosmetics, or so-called cosmeceuticals. They involve all kinds of technologies. From a regulatory perspective, these emerging combination products are going to present some real challenges for the future, because we don't have the regulation to support them."
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Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Patheon completes $2.65 billion merger with DSM | Pharmafile
Patheon completes $2.65 billion merger with DSM | Pharmafile:
"The amalgamation of the two contract development and manufacturing organisations (CDMOs) was first announced last November, when Patheon and its softgel capsule specialist Banner Pharmacaps combined with DSM’s pharma chemicals and contract manufacturing divisions to create a pharma outsourcing powerhouse.
DPx is now thought to be the second largest CDMO in the marketplace behind Catalent with around $2 billion in combined annual sales, and is 51% owned by Patheon’s private equity owner JLL Partners and 49% owned by DSM International. The combined company is headed by Jim Mullen, who was chief executive of Patheon."
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Friday, March 14, 2014
Pharma Cargo Theft Takes New Spike - FiercePharma Mfg
"the trend has turned up again. The logistics and security company reported that in 2013, full-truckload pharmaceutical thefts jumped by 50% to 33 from 22, with the average loss up 14.15% to $261,819. Total pharma thefts, including last-mile cargo theft, spiked to 83, with an average loss of $180,346 in 2013. That was up from just 36, with an average loss of $153,697, in 2012. Last-mile thefts usually involve street criminals who rip off pharmacy delivery vans."
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Is the mythical "five-second rule" actually real? - CBS News
"New research finds that there is some truth to the so-called "five-second rule" -- the belief that food is safe to eat if picked up from the floor in under five seconds.
Researchers at Aston University in Birmingham, U.K. studied the rate of bacteria transfer in food items dropped on the floor and picked up within three to 30 seconds. They found that the amount of time an item spent on the floor was directly related to bacteria levels."
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Thursday, March 13, 2014
To prevent child poisoning, CDC says meds should be 'up and away' - USA Today
"Budniz said that the message should be "up and away and out of sight" so kids aren't tempted by medicines.
Carr says caretakers should also make sure they don't have medications lying around in purses and coats, and to remember that "child resistant" does not mean "child proof." The government standard for child resistant is that 4 out of 5 children can't open the container within 10 minutes.
"With 64,000 children ending up in the emergency room for medicine poisoning each year, this is just a call that people must be extra vigilant," Carr said."
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Even a Few Drinks Tied to Poor Birth Outcomes - Medpage Today
"Women who consumed low levels of alcohol before conception and during pregnancy were more likely to have adverse birth outcomes such as low birth centile, low birth weight, and premature birth than nondrinkers, a British study reported."
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Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Consumer products hang in the balance as FDA & cosmetics industry feud - The Washington Post
- People also search for FDA GMP QSR cGMP Online Training: FDA cGMP QSR GMP Online Training - popular online training courses by SkillsPlus International Inc. #FDA #cGMP #GMP #QSR #training
Consumer products hang in the balance as FDA and cosmetics industry feud - The Washington Post:
"Negotiations between the cosmetics industry and the Food and Drug Administration have collapsed. The goal was to revise regulations that date to 1938 and ensure the safety of various personal care products that cost Americans roughly $60 billion a year."
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Monday, March 10, 2014
Do mobile devices promote distracted parenting? -
"Among other observations, researchers found that caregivers who were the most highly absorbed in their technology often responded harshly to child misbehavior."
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