Saturday, August 9, 2008

Another Free Pill Identifier - for your smart phone or PDA

A lot of folks are interested in free drug pill identifiers. I just learned about this free software from Epocrates, "Epocrates Rx." I'm not an Epocrates user, and I haven't personally downloaded or used this software. From what I can tell, you can register for a free account, and then download the free "Rx" software.

The free software is designed for use with smart phones and PDAs. What's neat is that the software provides:

  1. Pill ID <-- capsules="" drugs="" feature="" identify="" li="" pills="" tablets="" this="" to="" use="">
  2. Drug Information
  3. Drug Interactions
  4. Formulary Information
  5. Free Updates

Previous posts on pill identifiers:
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite: Identify Those Drugs - Handy Pill Identifier

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