Friday, February 20, 2015

Ingredient in Olive Oil Looks Promising in the Fight Against Cancer | Rutgers

Read the full article: Ingredient in Olive Oil Looks Promising in the Fight Against Cancer | Media Relations - News.Rutgers.Edu:

"Paul Breslin, professor of nutritional sciences in the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, and David Foster and Onica LeGendre of Hunter College, report that oleocanthal kills cancerous cells in the laboratory by rupturing vesicles that store the cell’s waste. LeGendre, the first author, Foster, the senior author, and Breslin have published their findings in Molecular and Cellular Oncology."

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

FDA Safety Communications > Design of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Duodenoscopes May Impede Effective Cleaning: FDA Safety Communication

Updated October 15, 2022

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Updated March 26, 2021

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The FDA is Recommending Transition to Duodenoscopes with Innovative Designs to Enhance Safety: FDA Safety Communication -

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Read the entire communication: Safety Communications > Design of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Duodenoscopes May Impede Effective Cleaning: FDA Safety Communication -

"The FDA wants to raise awareness among health care professionals, including those working in reprocessing units in health care facilities, that the complex design of ERCP endoscopes (also called duodenoscopes) may impede effective reprocessing. Reprocessing is a detailed, multistep process to clean and disinfect or sterilize reusable devices. Recent medical publications and adverse event reports associate multidrug-resistant bacterial infections in patients who have undergone ERCP with reprocessed duodenoscopes, even when manufacturer reprocessing instructions are followed correctly. Meticulously cleaning duodenoscopes prior to high-level disinfection should reduce the risk of transmitting infection, but may not entirely eliminate it."

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Scientists Find a Way to Block HIV from Infecting Healthy Cells | TIME

"Michael Farzan, professor of infectious diseases at Scripps Research Institute, and his team used a gene therapy technique to introduce a specific HIV disruptor that acted like gum on HIV’s keys. Once stuck on the virus’s surface, the peptide complex prevents HIV from slipping into the molecular locks on healthy cells. "

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Friday, February 13, 2015

Does a Real Anti-Aging Pill Already Exist? - Bloomberg Business

Structural diagram of (rapamycin). Created usi...
Structural diagram of (rapamycin). Created using ACD/ChemSketch 10.0 and . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Read the full article: Does a Real Anti-Aging Pill Already Exist? - Bloomberg Business (re: rapamycin & its derivatives):

"An innovative clinical trial set to begin in March may resolve some of these issues. Kaeberlein and his University of Washington colleague Daniel Promislow plan to test the drug in small doses in middle-aged pet dogs. Rather than looking at life span, which would take years, they will look for signs that the drug is affecting key aging-related parameters, such as arterial stiffness and cardiac function. If successful, rapamycin and its derivatives could end up as the first anti-aging drug—for dogs. Kaeberlein wouldn’t mind: “I love my dogs,” he says. “If there’s anything we can do to make them live longer, healthier lives, we have to do it. I feel like I personally have to do this.”"

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Monday, February 9, 2015

Drug Making Breaks Away From Its Old Ways - WSJ

Read the full article: Drug Making Breaks Away From Its Old Ways - WSJ:

"Under the new approach, raw materials are fed into a single, continuously running process. Many other industries adopted such a “continuous-manufacturing” approach years ago, because quality can be checked without interrupting production—with weeks shaved off production times and operating expenses cut by as much as 50%.

Until recently, pharmaceutical companies have been stuck making drugs the old-fashioned way, mixing ingredients in large vats and in separate steps, often at separate plants and with no way to check for quality until after each step is finished. Any desire to modernize was partly blunted, industry officials say, by the high margins netted on the industry’s string of billion-dollar-selling drugs."

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Friday, February 6, 2015

National Sleep Foundation changes recommended snooze time - USA Today

Read the full article & view sleep duration recommendations by age group:
National Sleep Foundation changes recommended snooze time - USA Today:

"The National Sleep Foundation has revamped its recommendations for the way we recharge.

The non-profit scientific foundation, along with a panel of experts, updated its nightly sleep duration advice for all ages in a report published Feb. 2 in Sleep Health: The Official Journal of the National Sleep Foundation."

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Thursday, February 5, 2015

FDA commissioner steps down in March | Pharmafile

Read the full article: FDA commissioner steps down in March | Pharmafile:

"The commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration Dr Margaret Hamburg is to resign from her post in March according to unconfirmed reports.

Hamburg who has been leading the agency for almost six years, is set to be temporarily replaced by the US regulator’s chief scientist Stephen Ostroff until a permanent replacement is found, all of which is set to be officially announced tomorrow by the White House."

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Massive breach at health care company Anthem Inc. - USA Today

Read the full article: Massive breach at health care company Anthem Inc. - USA Today:

"The hackers gained access to Anthem's computer system and got information including names, birthdays, medical IDs, Social Security numbers, street addresses, e-mail addresses and employment information, including income data, Swedish said.

The affected database had records for approximately 80 million people in it, "but we are still investigating to determine how many were impacted. At this point we believe it was tens of millions," said Cindy Wakefield, an Anthem spokeswoman.

That would make it "the largest health care breach to date," said Vitor De Souza, a spokesman for Mandiant, the computer security company Anthem has hired to evaluate its systems."

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What Timeless Advice Would You Give to a Regulatory Rookie? | FDAZILLA BLOG

Read the article, including the advice:  What Timeless Advice Would You Give to a Regulatory Rookie? | FDAZILLA BLOG:

"Sometimes we get emails from people who are just starting out in the field of regulatory, quality, and compliance, asking us – what advice do we have for new people to get onto the right path?"

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FDA finds herbal supplements at GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, and Target contain asparagus, houseplants, and no herbs | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

Read the full article: FDA finds herbal supplements at GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, and Target contain asparagus, houseplants, and no herbs | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building:

"The New York State Attorney General’s Office is demanding that GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, and Target remove store brand herbal supplements from their shelves after the pills were found to be packed with a strange array of fraudulent—and in some cases hazardous—ingredients. Popular supplements such as ginseng, valerian root, and St. John’s wort sold under store brand names at the four major retailers were found to contain powdered rice, asparagus, and even houseplants, while being completely void of any of the ingredients on the label."

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

FDA takes steps to improve reliability of automated external defibrillators -

Updated June 27, 2020

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Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) -

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Read the full press release: Press Announcements > FDA takes steps to improve reliability of automated external defibrillators -

"From January 2005 through September 2014, the FDA received approximately 72,000 medical device reports associated with the failure of these devices. Since 2005, manufacturers have conducted 111 recalls, affecting more than two million AEDs. The problems associated with many of these recalls and reports included design and manufacturing issues, such as inadequate control of components purchased from other suppliers.

By requiring premarket approval for these devices, the FDA will receive important information about an AED manufacturer’s quality systems information. The FDA will also conduct inspections of manufacturers’ facilities prior to approval. After approval, manufacturers will be required to submit to the FDA any changes made to the devices that affect safety or effectiveness, and annual reports on device performance."

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Monday, February 2, 2015

Obama to parents doubting ‘indisputable’ science: ‘Get your kids vaccinated’ - The Washington Post

Read the full article: Obama to parents doubting ‘indisputable’ science: ‘Get your kids vaccinated’ - The Washington Post:

"In the face of a growing measles outbreak, President Obama is urging parents to heed modern science and vaccinate their children.

“There is every reason to get vaccinated — there aren’t reasons to not,” Obama said in an interview with NBC News. Excerpts from the interview were aired Sunday night and Monday morning.

“I just want people to know the facts and science and the information,” the president said. “And the fact is that a major success of our civilization is our ability to prevent disease that in the past have devastated folks. And measles is preventable.”"

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Learn more:
CDC Measles Vaccination webpage

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GMP Essentials for Drug Manufacturers - Onsite cGMP Training

Updated July 16, 2021

FDA GMP QSR Online Training Courses by SkillsPlus Intl Inc.

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GMP Essentials for Drug Manufacturers - An Onsite GMP Training Course
This course is appropriate for new employees, or to meet the needs of current staff and refresher training. This highly interactive course gets everybody involved talking about current CGMP practices and the consequences of non-compliance. Many CGMP principles are experienced hands-on in this course. Usually customized to meet the needs of the organization, this session can last from one to three days. Call Allan Dewes at SkillsPlus International Inc., (415) 948-5220, to discuss your specific needs and the instructor's recommendations.

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