Saturday, April 24, 2010

FDA Explores How To Reduce Sodium Levels In The Food Supply

Today’s average sodium intake is several times what the body requires and its long-term effect on our health is very serious. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects one in three U.S. adults – nearly 75 million people aged 20 or older. An additional 50 million adults suffer from pre-hypertension. High blood pressure can increase the risk for heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, and kidney failure. Too much sodium in the daily diet is a major contributor to high blood pressure.

A new report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) concludes that national action is imperative to reduce the sodium content of foods if we are to make significant progress toward reducing the risk of hypertension and major cardiovascular events for Americans.

The FDA will more thoroughly review the recommendations of the IOM report and build plans for how the FDA can continue to work with other federal agencies, public health and consumer groups, and the food industry to support the reduction of sodium levels in the food supply. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) will be establishing an interagency working group on sodium at the Department that will review options and next steps.

I'm pleased to see these efforts. In our household, we don't add salt, and do our best to avoid processed foods, and foods containing way too much sodium salt.

Reference:  FDA Issues Statement on IOM Sodium Report
Consumer Information:  Lowering Salt in Your Diet

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Free GMP Webinar on Dietary Supplements - May 5, 2010

The implementation of FDA GMP rules for dietary supplements is coming fast. Nutricap Labs is partnering with Natural Foods Merchandiser magazine to present a free webinar entitled, Will Your Supplement Shelves Be Ready? Understanding the Retail Impact of the June GMPs (registration form).

The webinar will cover:

  • What the June GMP’s will entail
  • How these regulations will impact the current state of the dietary supplement manufacturing industry
  • Choosing between custom manufacturing versus private labeling
  • Insider tips on how to select a GMP-certified manufacturer
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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Drugs.Com - Popular and Free Pill Identifier

The internet is really something. Where else can you find free resources like this popular Pill Identifier?

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Monday, April 12, 2010

FDA Warning - Lipodissolve Products

The FDA has sent sent warning letters to six medical spas in the United States - and a cyber letter to a company in Brazil - for making false or misleading statements on their Web sites about drugs used in the procedure, or for otherwise misbranding lipodissolve products.

 Janet Woodcock, M.D., Director of FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) says:
"We are concerned that these companies are misleading consumers. It is important for anyone who is considering this voluntary procedure to understand that the products used to perform lipodissolve procedures are not approved by FDA for fat removal."
The FDA website provides more information on the topic, FDA Warns About Lipodissolve Product Claims, with a downloadable pdf. 

I'm not a big fan of liposuction, let alone this approach using lipo-dissolving chemicals.

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Free FDA QSR Basic Intro Course In Spanish - Espanol

Kim Trautman of the FDA CDRH’s Division of Enforcement B, Office of Compliance, provides a basic FDA overview course on the Quality System Regulation covered in 21 CFR 820 in Spanish (free).

The course covers the material with spoken and written Spanish (Espanol).

Another fine offering from the FDA.

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