Saturday, December 19, 2015

Reports Shine Light on Prevalence of Health Data Breaches - iHealthBeat

Read the full article: Reports Shine Light on Prevalence of Health Data Breaches - iHealthBeat:

"About 90% of health care organizations have experienced a data breach within the last two years, according to the report.

The report predicted that cybercriminals will most likely focus their attacks on large insurers and health systems. However, it noted that "smaller incidents caused by employee negligence will also continue to compromise millions of records each year.""

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Thursday, December 17, 2015

America's 'Third Wave' Of Asbestos Disease Upends Lives : Shots - Health News : NPR

Read the full article: America's 'Third Wave' Of Asbestos Disease Upends Lives : Shots - Health News : NPR:

"The fire-resistant mineral first had killed asbestos miners, millers and manufacturing workers. Then it had taken out insulators, shipbuilders and others who worked with asbestos products. Eventually, conference attendees agreed, it would be roused from its dormant state in pipes, ceiling tiles and automobile brakes and kill again."

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