Thursday, February 28, 2019

FDA plans first public hearings on legalizing CBD foods in April - CNBC

Read the full article:  FDA plans first public hearings on legalizing CBD foods in April - CNBC

"The Food and Drug Administration will hold its first public hearings on CBD in April as the agency weighs rules allowing companies to add the popular cannabis-based compound to food, Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said Wednesday. 
"We're deeply focused on this. We have taken on other hard challenges before," Gottlieb told the House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday. "You have my commitment I'm focused on this one.""

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Friday, February 8, 2019

Liquor before beer? You will still feel terrible, new study says - CNBC

Wine Lovers Dishwasher Magnet - Clean or Dirty
Wine Lovers Dishwasher Magnet - Clean or Dirty

Read the full article:  Liquor before beer? You will still feel terrible, new study says - CNBC

"... a new medical study has concluded that the threat of a crushing hangover cannot be removed by making sure that beer comes before, or after, wine. 
The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition on Friday, went further claiming that hangovers were also not made more bearable by sticking to one type of drink thereby debunking another of the barfly's favorite: "Grape or grain but never the twain.""

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SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Amazon hints at national online pharmacy plans with new licenses - MedCity News

Read the full article:  Amazon hints at national online pharmacy plans with new licenses - MedCity News

"Pillpack’s Phoenix, Arizona facility has been granted nine additional state pharmacy licenses in the past two months, allowing that site to sell into other states, according to a research note from financial services firm Jefferies. 
The Arizona site now has active pharmacy licenses across 19 states with three applications pending. This is in addition to the company’s mail-order facilities in Manchester, New Hampshire (which has licenses in 49 states), Miami, Florida (which has licenses in 45 states) and Austin, Texas (which has licenses in 43 states). Pillpack’s New York location has licenses in only two states."

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California Designated Representative Training Courses (wholesaler, 3PL, reverse distributor) - Approved by the California State Board of Pharmacy

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