Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Thrills and Pills: Another Top 5 Scary Pharma Flicks - Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Read the full article:

Thrills and Pills: Another Top 5 Scary Pharma Flicks - Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

"It’s that time of year when watching a movie means snuggling up to a blood-curdling tale that will make you want to hide under the covers. And filmmakers love to tap into the collective fear of Big Pharma, bad medicines, and drug experiments gone horribly awry."


SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The best GMP training, best QSR training, best instructors
Designated Rep Certification Class
CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
FL CDR Exam Prep
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Friday, August 17, 2018

CGMP and QSR Trainer Certification Program

GMP Trainer Courses

GMP Trainer Awareness, Certification, and Master Trainer Course

This online self-study course leads participants through many different ways to teach cGMPs and QSRs. Learn what a class instructor thinks while delivering a training session to students, so you can repeat that training approach in your own organization.
  • This class is implemented in three phases: Awareness, Certification and Master Trainer.
  • This is NOT a public seminar workshop. Our public seminar was so popular, we turned it into an online self-study course that fits into your busy schedule.

Keywords:   FDA cGMP GMP QSR, Train the Trainer, Train-the-Trainer, Train-The-Trainer, GMP Trainer Certification, cGMP Trainer Certification, QSR Trainer Certification, FDA Trainer Certification, GMP Trainer Awareness Course, GMP Master Trainer Course, Training For Trainers, Trainer Education

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SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The best GMP training, best QSR training, best instructors
Designated Rep Certification Class
CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Coffee Drinkers Are More Likely To Live Longer. Decaf May Do The Trick, Too - NPR

Read the full article:

Coffee Drinkers Are More Likely To Live Longer. Decaf May Do The Trick, Too  -  NPR

"We found that people who drank two to three cups per day had about a 12 percent lower risk of death compared to non-coffee drinkers" during the decade-long study, says Erikka Loftfield, a research fellow at the National Cancer Institute."

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SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The best GMP training, best QSR training, best instructors
Designated Rep Certification Class
CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
FL CDR Exam Prep
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Shop Around for Lower Drug Prices - Consumer Reports

Read the full article:   Shop Around for Lower Drug Prices - Consumer Reports

". . . we found that the lowest retail prices in pharmacies can sometimes be a better deal than using insurance, especially in the case of drugs that aren’t covered well"
This is a good article, with several helpful tips on how to save money, by shopping for the best
prescription prices.

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SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The best GMP training, best QSR training, best instructors
Designated Rep Certification Class
CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
FL CDR Exam Prep
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Life Expectancy: The Most Important Habit for Living Longer | Fortune

Read the full article:   Life Expectancy: The Most Important Habit for Living Longer | Fortune:

"The research published in the medical journal Circulation cites five behaviors associated with significantly longer life: not smoking, keeping a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI), avoiding excess alcohol consumption, moderate-to-vigorous exercise, and keeping a healthy diet. Sticking to all five of those healthy habits was associated with 12.2 years of longer life for men and 14 years of longer life expectancy for women, according to the researchers."

'via Blog this'

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SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The best GMP training, best QSR training, best instructors
Designated Rep Certification Class
CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
FL CDR Exam Prep
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Best Diets for 2018: Mediterranean and DASH Diets Top List | Time

View The List's Top 5:  Best Diets for 2018: Mediterranean and DASH Diets Top List | Time