Saturday, March 14, 2009

NIH NIAAA Wants Re-Thinking Drinking (video)

Take some advice from these testimonials:

  • "Sometimes we do things out of habit and we don't really stop to think about it. This made me think about my choices."
  • "It emphasized that drinking is not bad in and of itself—it's how much you're doing it and how it's affecting your life."
  • "I thought the strategies for cutting down were really good. It gives you tools to help yourself."

Learn more about the NIH & NIAAA's new initiative to help rethink drinking, "Rethinking Drinking - Alcohol and your health. The website is pretty robust and easy to use.

  • Download the free brochure: Rethinking Drinking - Alcohol and your health (pdf)
  • The site features interactive tools, such as calculators for measuring alcohol calories and drink sizes. NIAAA is part of the National Institutes of Health. "About 3 in 10 U.S. adults drink at levels that elevate their risk for alcoholism, liver disease, and a diverse array of other physical, mental health, and social problems. Yet, many people give little thought to their drinking habits and the attendant risks" notes NIH Acting Director Raynard S. Kington, M.D. "These new materials remind all of us to think about how alcohol may be affecting our health"

If you don't have time to check out the website, listen to this ABC News video to learn more, "Do you drink too much? A new government initiative to help you rethink your drinking" (video)"

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