Wednesday, February 19, 2020

FDA cGMP Training - online training courses by SkillsPlus International Inc.

FDA GMP Training - online training classes by SkillsPlus Intl Inc.
FDA GMP Training - online training classes by SkillsPlus Intl Inc.


  • Use in the classroom as a training video
  • Standardize content delivery
  • Reduce training expense with our online learning pricing
  • Use in one-on-one training environments
  • Make these classes a part of corrective and preventive actions 


  • $50 per individual course 
  • Once a course is purchased, you'll be able to view the course one-time (within 48 hours from the time of purchase). 
  • Call us about Annual Global License pricing.
  • Interested in a course? Give us a call:  (415) 948-5220

Courses Available

  • 21 CFR 211: Pure, Safe, and Effective  - This program reviews 21 CFR 211 with the reminder that all these rules help us produce a product that is pure, safe and effective. This program is a must for new employee orientation training at all levels of the organization.
  • Documentation Practices  - This program provides a most interesting review of proper documentation practices for both paper-based and electronic record environments. 
  • Equipment and CGMPs - This topic discusses the requirements of 21 CFR211 Subpart D - Equipment, specifically the design and construction requirements for equipment including lubrication and coolants. The class addresses cleaning and maintenance requirements including automatic and electronic equipment. The class also covers the requirements for equipment identification, and required documentation.
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FDA calls states’ bluffs on drug importation - STAT News

According to the article:
"For decades, critics of the U.S. drug pricing system have advocated importing drugs from Canada as a convenient shortcut to lower prices. The Food and Drug Administration’s recent release of a proposed regulation to create a process for approving state-sponsored importation plans is one step closer to that goal. A closer look shows that it’s actually a false step."
Read the full source article:  FDA calls states’ bluffs on drug importation - STAT News

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California Designated Representative Training - for wholesalers, 3PL. $525 per student. Board approved. Earns a training affidavit suitable for your license application.
California Designated Representative Training - for wholesalers, 3PL. $525 per student. Board approved. Earns a training affidavit suitable for your license application.

SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The best GMP training, best QSR training, best instructors
Designated Rep Certification Class
CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
FL CDR Exam Prep
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

California Designated Representative Training - SkillsPlus International Inc.

California Designated Representative Online Training Programs - for wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors. Board approved. Earns a training affidavit suitable for your license application.
California Designated Representative Online Training Programs - for wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors. Board approved. Earns a training affidavit suitable for your license application.

Return Home: The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Blog

SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The best GMP training, best QSR training, best instructors
Designated Rep Certification Class
CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
FL CDR Exam Prep
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Parents, grandparents to blame for half of child poisonings, study says - CNN

Read the full article:  Parents, grandparents to blame for half of child poisonings, study says - CNN

Here's the scoop:

"The study found that as caregivers take their meds out of tough-to-open containers and put them in easy reach places for convenience, they are inadvertently contributing to some 50,000 emergency room visits by kids every year who swallow dangerous pills when adults aren't paying attention."
Return Home: The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Blog

SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The best GMP training, best QSR training, best instructors
Designated Rep Certification Class
CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
California HMDR Exemptee Training
Exemptee Certification Class
FL CDR Exam Prep
SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The Leader in Compliance Training
The Health, Drug, Prescription, and GMP Supersite Gift Store 

Saturday, February 1, 2020

California Exemptee Training - for HMDR home medical device retailers

  • $525 per student. No extra fees to retake quizzes. 
  • Accepted by the California Department of Public Health (Food and Drug Branch)
  • Earns a course completion certificate
  • We've added something new, closed captioning. Students can read what the course instructor is teaching. This feature helps ESL (English as a second language) students, and hard of hearing students. 

California HMDR Exemptee online training certification program
California HMDR Exemptee online training certification program

#HMDR #HME #DME #HMDRexemptee