Thursday, April 30, 2015

FDA seeks more data on safety of hospital hand cleaners - Yahoo News

Updated October 6, 2021

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Read the full article: FDA seeks more data on safety of hospital hand cleaners - Yahoo News:

"Federal health officials say more information is needed to establish the safety and effectiveness of common hand cleaners used in hospitals, doctors' offices and nursing homes to kill germs and prevent infections.

The Food and Drug Administration is asking manufacturers to submit additional data about medical hand washes and sanitizers, including the long-term effects of their daily use on the skin."

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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

World Health Day 2015: A Global Focus on Food Safety | FDA Voice

Updated February 9, 2022

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Read the full post:  World Health Day 2015: A Global Focus on Food Safety | FDA Voice:

"Food safety is a public health issue that affects all nations – from the most advanced to the most poor. World Health Day, observed on April 7 each year to mark the anniversary of the 1948 founding of the World Health Organization (WHO), gives us an opportunity to reflect on the progress that has been made to address the need for strong food safety systems, and on the enormous challenges that lie ahead.

The global importance of this issue is reflected in this year’s World Health Day theme: “Food Safety: From Farm to Plate, Keep it Safe.”  Keeping food safe, from farm to table, is at the core of our mission as an agency and at the heart of the preventive, risk-focused food safety system envisioned by the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)."

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Monday, April 6, 2015

Qualstar Simulation - An Advanced CGMP Training Course

Qualstar: A Pharmaceutical Simulation (cGMP Training)

Having problems with documentation, following procedures, change control or deviations?

In this GMP training course, employees work in small teams in this unforgettable 3-4-hour industry simulation. The importance of documentation, procedures, change controls & deviations are stressed through competition, citations, fines, injunctions, and in some cases, even jail terms. A very short lecture component is customized to address your site’s specific compliance needs.

This cGMP training course excites, energizes, & engages students! Training content covers documentation, following procedures, change control, deviations, & more.

Learn more about this course:

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