Monday, February 24, 2014

Avoid Retail Clinics for Pediatric Care, AAP Says - Medscape

Avoid Retail Clinics for Pediatric Care, AAP Says: (Medscape):

"Although in-store medical clinics have been proliferating since they first appeared in 2000, most medical societies and many physicians think they are a bad idea.

Firmly in that camp is the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which renewed its opposition to retail-based clinics (RBCs) in a policy statement published online February 24 in Pediatrics.

The growth of RBCs has been significant, with such clinics numbering 6000 as of 2012, according to the AAP statement. In previous surveys, about 15% of respondents anticipated that in the future they would likely be using in-store clinics for at least part of their children's medical care. (Most people treated at in-store clinics are adults.)"

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