Popular FDA, cGMP, QSR, & GMP Training Courses

GMP  CGMP Training - by SkillsPlus International Inc. -  Respected - Popular

New FDA GMP online self-study courses from SkillsPlus Intl Inc.:

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Free GMP Training Tip: For optimal throughput, choose class schedules & format wisely.

Coordinate training schedules for maximum gain

Give some thought on how to minimize the impact on production and other critical daily work responsibilities. Unless your production lines are down, you'll want to make sure production quality doesn't suffer. For some, even though they're in class, their minds are elsewhere (distracted by what's waiting for them back at their desks). Try to limit putting extra demands & stress on staff (for example, a stressor such as asking staff to attend class before/after their normal work shift, especially if they work 3rd shift). Here are a few ideas:
  • Split it.  If the course is 8 hours long, split the classroom time in half, and conduct the class over a 2 day period.
  • Deliver training at some time other than regular shift hours (this might be obvious). And be sure to consider offering training on the weekend.

Choose the best format & venue

  • Chunk training into digestible sessions. It's important to create an effective learning experience. For content heavy topics or workshop courses, it might make sense to split it up to avoid full day training overload, and give a little time for homework or just a breather to let it all sink in. 
  • Sometimes you have no choice but to get very larger numbers of employees through training as fast as possible. One possibility is to use a large venue (for example, an auditorium or conference facility) to meet your training goals & objectives, and achieve the necessary training throughput.

Get a trainer that teaches at your desired times

The right training vendor will do their best to accommodate your unique site and staffing situation to deliver training courses at the times that work best for you. For example, explore having the trainer teach a class during 3rd shift or on the weekend.

Do these tips touch on your situation, and you need GMP training?

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