Monday, January 31, 2022

California Exemptee Training

California Exemptee Certification 2022 by SkillsPlus International Inc.

  • $525 per student. Covers required topics specified in the Exemptee license application form.
  • Earns a course completion certificate accepted by the California Department of Public Health, to include in your California HMDR Exemptee license application.

California Exemptee Certification 2022 by SkillsPlus International Inc. - Image of the San Francisco Golden Gate bridge.
California Exemptee Certification 2022 by SkillsPlus International Inc.
Learn more and purchase this course

Keywords & Phrases:

#HMDR #HME #DME #Exemptee #HMDRexemptee 

The best choice, the best place, the top choice, for Exemptee training. Popular | Recommended

Friday, January 7, 2022

Injectable Skin Lightening and Skin Bleaching Products May Be Unsafe -

According to the FDA:

"Consumers need to beware of products to lighten or whiten their complexion. These products, which include both injectable skin whitening and skin bleaching products, are potentially unsafe and ineffective, and might contain unknown harmful ingredients or contaminants.

Injectable skin whitening products are marketed for injection into a vein or muscle or under the skin. They are sold online and in some retail outlets and health spas. They often promise to lighten the skin, correct uneven skin tone, and reduce blemishes. Some products even claim to treat conditions such as liver disorders and Parkinson’s disease.

Although the average consumer might not assume so, these products are unapproved new drugs whose sales are not condoned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA has not approved any injectable drugs for skin whitening or lightening."

Source:  Injectable Skin Lightening and Skin Bleaching Products May Be Unsafe -

Saturday, January 1, 2022

California Designated Representative Training Courses

Start off the year with a bang!  Enroll now in any one of our Board-approved California Designated Representative training courses to earn a training affidavit for your license application:

California Designated Representative Training Courses

Don't get caught snoozing in the new year! 

Nearly 10,000 Students Have Taken Our Courses!

Reasons why our online training programs are so popular and highly recommended:
  • These online training courses are designed for California Designated Representative license applicants and their managers. We make the messy regulatory requirements simple and easy to understand!
  • Earn a Board-accepted training affidavit, for your license application, by taking any one of our courses.
  • No need to schedule your training. Buy the course. Start when you’re ready! Therefore, buy now and start studying!
  • Online internet-based e-learning, easily accessed to make it possible & convenient for you to study from your home or office, in other words, study in any location!
  • Our courses involve more than just reading slides.
  • Available 365 x 24 x 7. Come and go as needed. In other words, our courses are convenient and flexible.
  • Composed of a series of self-study pre-recorded presentations that cover essential and required topics (as specified on their respective California Designated Representative license application form).
  • Designed with a follow-up quiz after each course section. When you finish, you will request your completion documents, specifically, your training affidavit.
  • We’ve added something new, closed captioning. Students can read what the course instructor is teaching. This feature helps ESL (English as a second language) students, and hard of hearing students. Therefore, our courses are more accessible.
  • Offered continuously since 2002. Therefore, we have a long record of experience.
Updated For 2022 Pharmacy Law Changes | California Designated Representative Training Courses. Image of pill capsules on a pink background.
California Designated Representative Training Courses

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