Saturday, January 31, 2015

Buzz Kill: 3 Daily Cocktails May Boost Stroke Risk: Study - NBC

Read the full article: Buzz Kill: 3 Daily Cocktails May Boost Stroke Risk: Study - NBC

"People in their 50s and 60s who down more than two alcoholic beverages daily have a 34 percent higher risk of stroke compared to lighter drinkers — and are more apt to suffer a stroke five years earlier in life regardless of their genetics or their other health habits, asserts a study released Thursday."

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

'Fat but Fit' Only Temporary | Medpage Today

Read the full article: 'Fat but Fit' Only Temporary | Medpage Today:

"David Katz, MD, of Yale's Prevention Research Center, told MedPage Today that the concept of metabolically healthy obesity has "always generated more heat than light."

"Yes, it is better to be fat and fit than fat and unfit. And you can be thin and unfit. But in the real world, most people are either fit and lean, or fat and unfit," Katz said. "That's not a moral judgment -- it's because the very same lifestyle factors that make us fit tend to make us un-fat, and vice versa.""

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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Guidances - A New & Better Way To Find FDA Guidance Documents

Go to a new search page for FDA: Guidances -

" . . . all official FDA Guidance Documents and other regulatory guidance. You can search for documents using key words, and you can narrow or filter your results by product, date issued, FDA organizational unit, type of document, subject, draft or final status, and comment period.

This feature is provided to give a convenient way to search for all FDA guidance documents from a single location. We will continue to refine it as we observe its performance."

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DASH named best overall diet for fifth year - report | Reuters

Read the full article: DASH named best overall diet for fifth year -report | Reuters:

"The DASH diet, rich in vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy, has been named the best overall diet for the fifth consecutive year, outpacing Weight Watchers and the Mediterranean diet, U.S. News & World Report said on Tuesday.

DASH, which was developed to lower blood pressure without medication, was also chosen by a panel of health experts as the top diabetes diet and the best plan for healthy eating."

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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Get Set for a Healthy Winter Season > FDA Consumer Updates

Updated August 1, 2024

The original link broke.

You can still read about the same topic here:

---  the original post follows below  ---

Read the full article for cold/flu prevention tips: Consumer Updates > Get Set for a Healthy Winter Season - "

While contagious viruses are active year-round, fall and winter are when we're most vulnerable to them. This is due in large part to people spending more time indoors with others when the weather gets cold.

Fortunately, we can fight back with several FDA-approved medicines and vaccines."

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Friday, January 2, 2015

NEW! - - cGMP Training - - 2015 On-Site Course Catalog - - by SkillsPlus Intl Inc.

Updated December 16, 2017

SkillsPlus Intl Inc. - The best GMP training, best QSR training, best instructors

- -   original post follows below   - -

Start planning your GMP training for 2015.

Get some ideas here, by viewing SkillsPlus Intl Inc.'s new 2015 on-site course catalog of GMP training (PDF).

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