Saturday, August 10, 2019

What is a California Designated Representative training course? - Yahoo Answers

View the full text Q&A:  What is a California Designated Representative training course? - Yahoo Answers (sorry, this link is no longer available 6/1/2021)

"First, some background. The California State Board of Pharmacy (the "Board") is in charge of licensing companies that are drug-device wholesalers, third-party logistics providers (3PL), and reverse distributors, and more. This means these companies need to get a facility license from the Board to run their businesses."

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Largest selection of Board-approved California Designated Representative online training programs. 3 distinct courses for wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors. Earns a training affidavit.
Largest selection of Board-approved California Designated Representative online training programs. 3 distinct courses for wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors. Earns a training affidavit.

For Designated Representative license applicants  -  Training programs, courses, classes, seminars:

     California (earn a training affidavit):

For HMDR Exemptee license applicants  -  Training programs, courses, classes, seminars:

     California (earn a training completion certificate):

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Mass Shootings Can Be Contagious, Research Shows - NPR

Read the full article:  Mass Shootings Can Be Contagious, Research Shows -

"Towers and her colleagues also found that what set apart shootings that were contagious was the amount of media coverage they received. "In the incidences where there were four or more people killed, and even school shootings, those tended to get national and even international media attention," says Towers."

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CA Designated Representative Training Program
California Designated Representative Training Program
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Saturday, August 3, 2019

California Designated Representative Online Training Programs - 6,000 students trained!

Introductory video about California Designated Representative training:

Go to:  The Designated Representative and Exemptee Blog


California Designated Representative Online Training Courses. Board-approved. Earns a training affidavit accepted by the Board. 3 distinct classes for: wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors. 6,000 students trained.
California Designated Representative Online Training Courses. Board-approved. Earns a training affidavit accepted by the Board. 3 distinct classes for: wholesalers, 3PL, reverse distributors. 6,000 students trained.

For Designated Representative license applicants  -  Training programs, courses, classes, seminars:

     California (earn a training affidavit):

For HMDR Exemptee license applicants  -  Training programs, courses, classes, seminars:

     California (earn a training completion certificate):